Thursday, July 1, 2010

Perfect, perfect

Item the first: Please go immediately to P's blog and lavish upon her the love and devotion that is her due. Heaven never dreamed up a more beautiful bride. I mean it. Go and give love to the most beautiful bride in the history of marital perfection.

Item the second: I had grand plans for my future. They included me never going on another date as long as I lived, vacationing every year with my friend Cossette, playing board games together until we both grew old, selecting the same retirement community and dying at precisely the same moment of some painless and unknown ailment. It was the perfect plan.

Cossette met someone. Two months ago. And guess what? She is getting married in Vegas on the 21st of September. This is not perfect for me, but I have met the man who has destroyed my life's agenda, and I must say he is perfect for her. And about that, I could not be more pleased.

So now I need someone else to grow old with. Anyone play monopoly?


Kate P said...

Wow for Cossette. Well, I suck at Monopoly, and apparently if you're a business major you can beat me at Scrabble. That's my best offer.

sybil law said...

Um, no... no Monopoly, sorry. Not too worried for you, though - your time is gonna come...

Avitable said...

I could totally kick your ass in some Monopoly. What about Scrabble?

What Possessed Me said...

Whoa girl - thank you so much for the love! I took a little internet break and came back to see this little sunbeam. Thank you so much - you made my day. xoxo

Maggie said...

Sure, I play Monopoly, but I prefer Scattergories. Ad I too will be celibate forever, so could easily grow old with you.

That said, I'm over a year behind on your posts still. For all I know, you got married.

Catching up.