Very recently, a man lured me into going on an date with him and he accomplished this by producing an apple of the above description and offering it to me at a moment when I was, well, vulnerable. I wanted the apple. He wanted... me. So we drove all over the city together and some other day when I am feeling less ashamed, I will tell you all we did and all we saw. (Relax. There was no kissing).
Will you be equally beguiled by the banana in my pants?
I can't even begin to top Avitable's comment.
You went on a date! How fun. Please share details.
Why no kissing?!
Yeah, we all want the details!
Beware of men with fruit!
No kissing, huh? Well, it's sometimes good to skip the preliminaries.
There seems to be an apple theme going--must be autumn!
Yay for the fun time you had.
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