Saturday, May 10, 2008


I hate my job at Panic so much that it would be difficult to write about it in even a slightly amusing way. Some quotes from my students yesterday might explain it better.

"Since we are in law school, I thought I would write my paper on how to bribe people. You know, because that might be illegal. Oh, and I'll give you a case of Vitamin Water if you give me a C."

Reader, I do not work at a law school. No! Also, the Vitamin Water is delicious and that fool is still failing my class.

"I had to skip history class to meet with you because even though I knew you'd be here later, I didn't want to miss my place in line."

Reader, I emailed the history department head and explained that history absences are not to be excused, and definitely not due to a student having a meeting with me. My students then claimed that I 'told' on them.

"I don't understand why I have to do all this work for a B. I high school I didn't do anything and I got Bs. What do you think this is?"

... college.

"Miss, why do you have to be like that? I don't have time to write this paper over again and my mom will kill me if I don't get an A."

I am definitely not giving you and A and I hope your mom kills you and goes to jail and doesn't have any more babies.

It'll be over soon. One more week.

Pray for me.


Julie said...

Oh. My. Gah.

Well, at least it's over soon.

Anonymous said...

Sounds just awful, I am sure you
are counting the days...

Kate P said...

You sound so calm, cool, and collected! Uh, that last student? If you don't want to spend time being killed you'll make the time to do the paper over. It's called priorities. Honestly, school makes them take workshops to appreciate other people's cultures but they really need grammar workshop and grown-up workshop.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your posts about your students. What's also frustrating is going back to college as an adult and having to be in a classroom with some of these guys.

Anonymous said...

The last one is my favorite!

Avitable said...

Hang in there!

maryse said...

whoa. there are no words.

Anonymous said...

"I am definitely not giving you and A and I hope your mom kills you and goes to jail and doesn't have any more babies. "

Classic., That is great!

good luck