My sainted mother, who would have killed herself had she known she could have raised a child such that the result would be thus, would have turned 65 yesterday, had she not died of breast cancer at 52. For all to see, my beautiful mother:

There was nothing else I could do, under the circumstances. I hope my most indulgent mother will forgive me for the insult to both her character and mine, as I found myself without any resources to prevent such an un-ladylike showing. If it were not for my pale, blond, an uninteresting feminine area, such a crime against civility and decency would have been impossible. And for those genetic factors, I must thank my mother, the fairest creature that ever walked the earth. Shall we see her again? Yes, we shall:

Will she ever forgive me? Shall I endure my remaining days in shame? I shall not. I think my sainted mother knows the hearts and minds of her children - and knows under what treachery they now suffer. I may be to kind to myself, yes. I find myself with few others that would be as kind to me as she was, and so I soldier on, knowing that on a better day, I will fulfill both my debt to decency and civility as my mother taught me. That day that was Friday, October, 10th, will be disregarded.
Belately, happy birthday to you, my sainted mother. May you always have those who remember you in their prayers.
She was the one who put the idea in your head. Because she knows you're blonde. Because she gave you that hair. No one who has that laugh could possibly not get a giggle and a snort out of what you did. Rest easy. She's there.
What a fabulous smile and sparkle in her eyes. I knew your mom was cool, but now that I know she's an October baby, she's even cooler to me (a fellow October baby).
On Friday I threw out a pair of undies that were getting threadbare and would not pass the Mom "what if you were in an accident" approval test, so between what you did and I did, it's a wash. Pardon the expression.
Your mother is beautiful.
I have gone panty-less and am sure that my grandmother, God rest her soul, is looking at me disdainfully from Heaven. I'm sorry grandma.
She's gorgeous.
I am the one convincing my hippie mother that she HAS to wear a bra in public. I fear that she only does it when I'm around though...
What a beauty - fabulous glasses! Going commando is no sin in the eyes of the baby Jesus. Not to worry.
Your mom really was a looker!!!!
And I am pretty sure the no panties thing is just funny to her. It is to me, anyway! :)
Beautiful lady. Beautiful kid :)
I shall go commando tomorrow in her honor.
Beautiful mom! I am shocked by you, but not surprised :-).
Going commando is not a sin, not to worry. but why do you even own such pants, if they are so difficult to wear out of the house?
And this is coming from someone whose underwear are in the glove box of her ex-boyfriend's truck. Yes, I said ex.
Belated Happy Birthday to your Mom.
She was very beautiful, and had a wonderful smile. I bet she was a lot of fun.
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