Tuesday, March 4, 2008

lalalala baby

My internet service provider doth not serve me today. It took me an hour just to get this page to load. So I am not going to say much today. (Do I ever?)

Have I mentioned I am a hopeless insomniac? Have I told you how badly I need to either start getting to the gym every day or cut off my own brain from the main generator? I am a mess.

Tomorrow morning I'll tell you the one person on earth I permit to call me "baby." And why I permit it.



Julie said...

Given that I was online with you for the almost 3 hours it took to post this I have to say that I'm impressed you got this far.

I wanna know about "baby" though.

EmmaL said...

Airkiss - you are so funny! Have you tried Lunesta? That stuff rocks better than anything I've ever taken to sleep. I have some kind of weird tolerance to things like Ambien etc., however, take Lunesta and you are dead for 8 hours and wake up feeling perfectly great. I recommend the 2mg dose - 1mg doesn't do it for me. Of course 1mg doesn't do it for me - I always require extra of anything!

Woodrow said...

I bet it's your dad.


Em said...

I don't think anyone has ever called me "baby". Why is that? I want to be called baby. . .

I get that whole insomnia thing sometimes too.

Anonymous said...

The gym will really help with the midnight crazies, probably. Or, you'll just end up looking smokin' hott, and that'll probably be ok too. Hee.

Dagny said...

I need to do both those things as well.
