Yes. That really happened. He was running up the stairs and I was running down the stairs and the train was getting ready to leave and I needed to make that train... so.
I smacked Some Guy in the face with my boob.
If you care to comment, please imagine getting bonked in the face with a whole bunch of sweater-orb -- and indicate your level of psychedness. I am afraid this guy have to endure decades of therapy.
All I can say is that I'm a tiny bit jealous that you have such a rack that you CAN smack someone with a single breast.
Not much, really, but a tiny bit.
Ha - "sweater-orb"!
and could the word verifications get any longer? Harumph. ;)
I don't think you smacked him with your boob, I think he smacked your boob with his face. It probably made his day.
Nina... he's a GUY. He's THRILLED that a boob hit him in the face, especially since it didn't belong to a 100-year-old relative.
He'll be talking about it for years, not spending years in therapy.
Except, when he retells it, you did on it on purpose because you're hot for him.
OMG, that was probably the best thing that happened to that guy ALL WEEK!
People have to know by now that sweater orb collisions are just some of the perils of public transportation. So are you going to be charged with carrying concealed weapons from now on?
Speaking of word verifications, I think mine ("milobru") sounds like something I'd enjoy drinking after a grueling day of schoolwork.
So funny! I'm certain it's one of the highlights of his week/month and it'll be part of his bragging tools from now on.
I'm also a bit envious about the whole boob thing. It's true, I want what I can't have. (well I can with a few thousand bucks, ha)
I was actually laughing out loud when I read this, Nina. Not just that "lol" bullshit. I must admit though that the actuality of being hit by an out of control boob probably isn't as pleasant as one would imagine. We males tend to romanticize the darling little lumps of flesh, but when you come right down to it--it'd be like getting socked with a fist. A creamy soft luscious fist....
I'm guessing he would have been a lot happier than if he had collided with one of my sweater orbs
Yeah...thinking the dude's not too upset about it...if it makes you feel any better I once, in an extreme not-paying-any-attention-to-what-I'm-doing hurry, greeted a colleague I hadn't seen for many months with a kiss on the lips.
He's a guy. Even my gay guy friends enjoy random boob touching. I think that made his day.
Ah! I saw the "sweater orb" thing on Twitter last night, and I thought maybe you were drunk... Now I get it.
Uh, and the guy won't need therapy; he'll be bragging to all his buddies as soon as possible.
I have a sneaking suspicion that many some guys would be happy to receive such a smack. You probably made his day.
I'm gonna have to ride the subway more...
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