If staring at my nipples in a cold, detached, medical way is a sin, then it has been a bad week for me, spiritually speaking. Other than that, I have no spectacular crimes to report. Unless you count pervasive laziness, which I sometimes do, but which I never consider interesting enough to write about. After all, how exciting is it to read about how much I sat still and did nothing when I should have been doing something, anything else?
Not very.
I am going climbing today.

I am pervasively tired (see above laziness), so I don't expect it to be a high energy kind of climbing day. I am just going to show up because I hear that helps.
Excellent Sunday to you, and I"ll see you tomorrow.
Ok, you never informed me of the nipple staring. Not that I find that odd, if you consider I stare at my oddly shaped nose quite often.
Nipple gazing is the new navel gazing.
I don't think there is anything wrong with nipple staring. Do you know how much I look forward to reading your sin of the week? It's really kind of weird. Let's see, what did I do bad this week? Hmm, I'd have to say nothing! I think.
Usually getting to the gym or putting on my running shoes is the hardest part.
Walking out the door is the hardest part of my workout.
Kudos to you. Now git up that wall, missy.
Just looking at that climbing picture makes my acrophobia kick in. How do you do it???
Looks like a pretty sinless week, you best do better next week, we want some real sins ya hear :-).
Since I've started lifting weights again, I spend an inordinate amount of time staring at my bare tits, too.
Well? What did you see?
Staring at nipples isn't pervasively (or whatever you said) laziness.
I can sit still and stare all day and feel like I actually accomplished something.
I really think that we should all be given the opportunity to stare at your nipples.
I don't think any of the men reading got past your nipples. What is it with men and nipples?
Were you doing your monthly breast exam?
I really want to try to climb one of those walls. It looks fun(ish).
Well, there's a sin for me. I never do BSEs. Though I do get mammograms, and the one last week was all good.
I would say that my sin of the week was carousing in a dyke bar in Brooklyn, drinking and smoking and staying out way too late, just a few hours after I had my second insemination. I am a bad mom.
Allow me to make your life a little easier. I'LL stare at your nipples for you.
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