All those months ago, I said I would post my picture if he lived until Christmas. If you see this and you realize you know me, don't tell me, especially if you are planning on criticizing me for foul language or meanness to my step mother or basically anything else. You know I am only doing it because my dad is a medical unicorn and you know, I think he wanted to shame me into doubting his will to live by living and then making me post my picture. On my blog. That he doesn't even know about. Huh. I have confused myself. So here, not like it matters, and not like anyone cares, I am:
*picture delete*
Preview of things to come:
The above picture is outta here by dusk today, so that you can look forward to. Also, I am writing a 5 post series on "Christmas Eve at Familia Leta" because it was ... just awesome. On a number a levels. Well, five, actually, and I'll tell you about the first tomorrow.
(Merry Christmas if Christmas is your thing. If it's not your thing, have a quiet and restful evening and the rest of us will get back to out after we've toasted to the baby Jesus, that is. after we've ingested enough chocolate and baked brie and cheerful-making drinks to make us feel like typing tomorrow.
Happy Holidays to you as well... Glad i was able to check in before the time limit ran out :)
That's amazing - your dad is definitely a medical unicorn. And I wish I had a teacher that looked like you!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!!
Merry Christmas!
Glad I caught the photo - both of them.
Your dad sure showed you, and I hope he continues to .
Happy to catch the gorgeous girl behind the mittens. And your dad - well, he's a handsome fella.
Merry Christmas, Nina.
Awesome pics, both of them. You're beautiful, you know? I'm thrilled you had to keep this promise. Keep going, Dad!
Your dad is the shit.
Is that the pic that your profile pic was cropped from? I guess yes.
It's nice to have a face to put with the name. Thanks for sharing.
Your dad looks great!
Your eyes...they are very blue...I cannot look away.
Oh. I guess I did look away, because I am on the comment page.
Well...they were still blue.
I admire a man that will wear a cowboy hat in public. :-)
and, no wonder your student was all flirty ;-)
Oh, what the hell? I missed the picture? I come here every day for - well, days now - and the one time I don't you display for the world your smiling face? Just my luck. I'm going to go stick my head in the oven now.
Because you are so beautiful and I just can't help myself, I am wishing you a merry Christmas and a very happy joyous healthy and prosperous New Year!
No fair! I missed it! (Can we have a brief re-post? Pretty please?)
Thank you. You have slightly increased the collective loveliness of the Internet by posting that.
Just a big heap of "yes!" for this one, all around. Sending your Dad good vibes, and thanks for being brave with the photos!
What a lovely one you are!
You're beautiful. Speechless. Post more and you'll cause a traffic jam here..
All, thank you for complimenting my dad, his hat, my photo, and for being nice about all of the above. I said I would. So I did. Now it's over. The mystery, that is. Oh wait! None of you know my real name. Except, uh, for Woodrow and Maggie. So yeah, mystery over.
Well, look at you! You didn't take it down. Lucky me. Very pretty, Nina!
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